Discover how Jan Leasure's team made our dream home a reality!

Hi everyone! Today marks a truly special milestone for us—closing the deal on our new home. I am thrilled to share this joyful experience and extend my heartfelt thanks to Jan Leasure and her incredible mortgage team, along with the remarkable duo, Lisette and Anna, who played crucial roles in this journey.

The path to finding our dream house was unexpected. We weren’t actively searching for a new home, but then it appeared almost as if by fate, and everything after that happened so quickly. The process was smooth, thanks to the expertise and dedication of Jan and her team. Their professionalism and support made a significant difference, turning what could have been a stressful process into one of the best experiences of our lives.

“Thank you once again to everyone who helped us along the way.”

I can’t express enough how grateful I am to everyone involved. From the initial stages to the final closing, Jan, Lisette, and Anna were phenomenal. Their combined efforts and coordination were instrumental in making this dream a reality for us. It’s not just about finding a house but creating a home where we will build many future memories.

This isn’t just another house; it’s the home we’ve longed for, and finding it felt like a serendipitous moment. If you’re embarking on your own home-buying journey, I can’t recommend Jan Leasure and her team enough. They have not only helped us find our dream home but also ensured we moved through the mortgage process with ease.

Thank you once again to everyone who helped us along the way. Today is genuinely one of the best days of my life, filled with gratitude and excitement for the future. If you are looking for professionals who will truly care about your journey as much as you do, just call or email us. We look forward to hearing from you!