Learn how Don's reverse mortgage eliminated his mortgage payments.

Hi there! I want to introduce you to my handsome 95-year-old friend, Don. Don’s story is one of resilience, wit, and a touch of financial savvy. This is how a reverse mortgage made a significant difference in his life, allowing him to continue living independently in his beautiful condo.

Don is widowed and lives alone in his lovely condo in one of the northern Chicago suburbs, not far from my office in Libertyville. At 95, Don has the wit and personality of a 35-year-old, making him a joy to be around. However, he does have a few health issues that make it a little challenging for him to get around.

The last thing that Don or his daughters wanted was for Don to have to consider some sort of senior living facility or, God forbid, a nursing home. Don and his family wanted him to be able to age in place and remain in his condo, where he feels comfortable and can still entertain visitors. The answer for Don was a reverse mortgage.

“As a certified reverse mortgage planner, it was my joy to be able to provide a reverse mortgage that allowed Don to remain in his beautiful home and live mortgage-free.”

The reverse mortgage helped Don by paying off his existing mortgage, eliminating his mortgage payment, and allowing Don to remain in his home mortgage-free indefinitely. It also provided Don with additional tax-free proceeds with which he can hire a caretaker if needed. As a certified reverse mortgage planner, it was my joy to be able to provide a reverse mortgage that allowed Don to remain in his beautiful home and live mortgage-free.

Don’s story is a testament to the power of financial planning and the benefits of reverse mortgages for seniors who wish to maintain their independence. It was an honor to help Don achieve his goal of staying in the home he loves, and I am grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on his life.

If you have any questions on reverse mortgages, feel free to contact me via call at (847) 362-1335, or email at jan.leasure@thedrmc.com.